The hierarchy of material use in construction


Tackling short term planning and growth-addiction in Nordic construction

As part of our work on providing policy recommendations towards a sustainable transformation of the Nordic construction sector, SUSTAINORDIC convened a roundtable discussion, gathering experts from within and around the industry.

The contributing experts in the session were:

  • Tove Sjöberg, Architect, ACAN

  • Ulla Janson, Professor, LU-Circular Construction

  • Steffen Nielsen, Founder and Owner, Lolle og Nielsen

  • Kim Lenschow, Owner, Office Kim Lenschow

  • Otto Wille, Senior Strategist, Demos Helsinki, Finland

  • Matti Kuittinen, Professor, Aalto University

  • Pasi Aalto, Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

  • Kasper Benjamin Reimer Bødskov, Head of Innovation, EFFEKT, Denmark

The meeting focused on charting a course for Nordic Construction between 2025 and 2030 with an emphasis on sustainable practices.

The conversation centred around the critical need to prioritize an intensified use of existing building mass over constructing new buildings as the default option. Energy retrofitting, renovation, and repurposing were highlighted as key strategies. The introduction of virgin materials was deemed necessary only when unavoidable and with priority on biobased building materials to mitigate negative impacts from embedded energy.

During the roundtable, the goal was to collaboratively formulate three recommendations or concrete solutions that would pave the way for a sustainable practice in Nordic Construction.

The conversation reflected the fact that the challenges at the intersection of construction and climate issues are profound and systemic. Individual, independent efforts are insufficient in driving a holistic transformation of the entire system within and around the construction sector. This includes everything from procurement to financing to the change of mental models.


Bridging the data Gap to pave the way for informed, long-term decision making

There is a lack of data on emissions and biodiversity impacts of construction. Widespread knowledge about sustainable solutions is also lacking. Addressing these gaps is crucial for informed decision-making. This includes separating actual emissions from compensatory actions and improving control of waste from the construction industry. The key word here is prioritization. We could have this data readily available within a couple of years if the effort is prioritized and allocated.

Examining and documenting the existing building stock is an essential prerequisite for transitioning to a circular economy. Better control of waste from the construction industry is also necessary.

All decision making and planning processes should be weighed against a long-term forecasting with planetary boundaries at the centre

Balancing short-term project completion and financial return expectations with long-term sustainability goals is a challenge. It is important to prioritize long-term impacts, reduce environmental pressures, and consider the value of the built environment beyond monetary terms. The transition to sustainable construction requires time and societal acceptance. Planning for the future, including rising coastlines and climate migration, is crucial.

From consumerism to immaterial growth

Data shows that our way of measuring personal success and wellbeing based on a person’s accumulated wealth or financial possessions is indeed not accurate. In a world that will require downsizing and degrowth there is a need to reimagine what we define as "good life" within planetary boundaries.

As part of this work, there is a need to redefine the notion of "value" beyond monetary terms when it comes to adjust investment incentives in the construction sector and to expand the utilisation rate of existing buildings.

This requires research, education on all levels and outreach work to reimagine a new cultural acceptance of a paradigm where immaterial values such as social capital, personal time and sufficiency rank higher than wealth and material accumulation.

The recommendations from this Roundtable conversation will be presented together with our findings from the first part of the SUSTAINORDIC project in a document which will be sent to The Nordic Council of Ministers to be included in the shaping of the Nordic Vision 2025-30.