COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
How can we build Nothing?
Breaking the barriers towards sustainable and climate-friendly buildings for the future.
Please note that the talk starts at 2:46:18 into the video.
One of the big global GHG emitters is the construction sector. Our built environment is responsible for 40% of global carbon emissions. If we are serious about a global transition to net-zero, the industry needs to radically reduce the amount of carbon emitted from new construction, infrastructure and buildings while at the same time being at the forefront of an increased need for homes. On this account, the sector is expected to grow 42% by 2030. This puts an extra level of urgency on the need to transition the way we imagine, plan, construct and use buildings.
And we have to start now! The good news is that we know many of the solutions already, and if we get started, something can be done about it.
Based on experiences and failures from the Nordic countries, we will discuss how we as a global community can start the global movement of transforming words, knowledge and technical solutions into action based on the specific local conditions we are operating within. We will discuss the barriers that prevent us from transitioning to sustainable and circular practices in architecture and construction and we will identify opportunities for catalysing the necessary change.
The event invites architects, urban designers, decision makers, influencers and game changers to discuss perspectives, barriers and levers that can spark cultural change and drive the necessary shift towards sustainable and circular construction that will form the carbon-neutral society of the future. If you are planning to be in Sharm El Sheik for COP27, please join us and enrich the debate with your perspectives!
With this year's COP taking place in the Sinai desert, we have committed to avoid unnecessary travel and therefore, we will use the expertise and inspiration present on site.
The panel will be presented here and through our channels over the coming weeks.
The event is organised by SUSTAINORDIC – Sustainable Construction Materials and Architecture, which is part of the Nordic Council of Ministers initiative, Nordic Sustainable Construction.